Braised Romano Beans

Yield 1X: 309.00 oz Allergens:
Portion: 6 oz Garlic, onion
Portions: 51.5
Shelf life: 2 days
Date: 7.26.19
Prep Recipe Ingredient 1 X
lb oz/each
Bacon ends, medium dice 2
Garlic, minced 4.00
Onions, small dice 2
San Marzano tomatoes, crushed (can) 1.00
Romano beans, stems off, cooked soft 15

Carefully measure and prepare all ingredients. Heat a suitable pot over high heat, and add the bacon. Cook, stirring, until the bacon renders and becomes golden brown.

Add garlic, and stir for 15 seconds, then add onions and a little salt and pepper, and cook, stirring occasionally until the onions are soft. Add the tomatoes, bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, then add the blanch beans.

Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Cook until the beans are soft. Remove from the heat, season to taste with salt and pepper, then transfer to a hotel pan to cool.

Transfer to a storage container and cover. Label, date, and initial. Store refrigerated. Reheat in a pot over medium flame. Hold in the steam table.