German Potato Salad

Yield 1X: 170.00 oz Allergens:
Portion: 5 oz Onion
Portions: 34.0
Shelf life: 2 days
Date: 9.18.19
Prep Recipe Ingredient 1 X 2 X
lb oz/each lb oz/each
Red potaotes, boiled and quartered 8 16
House vinaigrette 14.00 1 12.00
Whole grain mustard 4.00 8.00
Bacon, chopped and cooked 8.00 1
Yellow onion, minced 8.00 1
Parsley, coarsely chopped 4.00 8.00
Chives, minced (bunches) 4.00 8.00

Carefully measure and prepare all ingredients. Combine the vinaigrette with the whole grain mustard and mix well. Combine all ingredients, and toss to combine evenly. Season well with salt and pepper.

Transfer to a storage container and cover. Label, date, and initial. Store refrigerated.