Par-cooked Rice for Risotto


Yield 1X: 126.00 oz Allergens:
Portion: 6 oz Dairy, onion
Portions: 21.0
Shelf life: 5 days
Date: 7.24.18
Prep Recipe Ingredient 1 X 2
lb oz/each lb
Butter 2.00
Onion, small dice 8.00 1
Arborio rice 2 3.00 4
White wine – 750 ml bottle each 1.00
Broth based on application 4 8

Carefully measure and prepare all ingredients.

Heat a low, wide pot over medium-high heat, and add the butter and onion. Cook, stirring regularly, until soft and translucent.

Add rice, and increase heat to high. Stir until the rice become fragrant, then add the wine in four steps, stirring in between until all liquid is absorbed.

Follow the same procedure for the mushroom broth.

Cook, stirring, until completely dry. Transfer to a clean sheetpan, and cool in the walk-in. Transfer to a storage container. Cover, label, date, and initial. Store refrigerated.