Garlic Dill Pickles

Yield 1X: 120.00 oz Allergens:
Portion: 1.5 oz Garlic
Portions: 80.0
Shelf life: 2 weeks
Date: 12.14.18
Prep Recipe Ingredient 1 X
lb oz/each
Persian cucumbers, ends removed, sliced 7 8.00
White vinegar 4
Garlic, crushed 4.00
Kosher salt 4.00
Dill leaves, chopped coarsely (bunch) 4.00

Carefully measure and prepare all ingredients. Combine the vinegar and salt, and stir to dissolve.

Layer the sliced cucumbers into a cambro, aternating cucumbers, crushed garlic, and chopped dill. Pour vinegar and salt solution over, and press down.

Cover, label, date, and initial. Store refrigerated. Ready in two days.