House Vinaigrette

Yield 1X: 376.50 oz Allergens:
Portion: 1.5 oz Onion
Portions: 251.0
Shelf life: 4 days
Date: 6.18.18
Prep Recipe Ingredient 1 X
lb oz/each
Red wine vinegar (6 cups) 3
Sherry wine vinegar (6 cups) 3
Shallots, minced (12 oz.) 12.00
Fresh thyme leaves, minced (3 oz.) 3.00
Capers, minced (7.5 oz.) 7.50
Dijon mustard (18 oz.) 18.00
50/50 olive oil (2 gal. + 4 cups) 18
SaltĀ  and Pepper mix to taste

Carefully measure and prepare all ingredients.

Combine everything but the oil in a suitable mixing bowl,

then whisk the oil in. Transfer to a storage container, cover, label, date and initial. Store refrigerated. Correct seasoning after day one.