Spinach Malfati (Gnudi)

Yield 1X: 128.00 oz Allergens:
Portion: 6 oz Glluten, dairy
Portions: 21.3
Shelf life: 4 days
Date: 7.20.18
Prep Recipe Ingredient 1 X 2 X
lb oz/each lb oz/each
Baby spinach 4 8
Ricotta, drained overnight 2 4
Eggs (each) 6.00 12.00
AP flour 1 2
Grated Parmesan cheese 10.00 1 4.00
Salt and pepper mix 0.25 0.50

Add a cup of water to a large pot, then place over high heat. Add the spinach and a good pinch of salt, and cover. When it starts to steam, stir the top spinach down to the bottom. Continue cooking until the spinach is completely cooked.

Drain. Transfer the cooked spinach to a 2″ perforated hotel sitting in a 4″ solid hotel pan, and spread out evenly over the surface. Place a solid 2″ hotel pan on top, and place a 35 lb. container of fryer oil on top. Allow to drain for 30 minutes.

Transfer the spinach to a cutting board, and chop well. Transfer to a suitable mixing bowl, and add the eggs and ricotta. Stir smooth, then add the flours and cheese and salt and pepper. Stir to combine very well.

Form the malfati using two spoons. Drop them into salted boiling water, one at a time, and cook until they float. Remove from the water to a perforated hotel pan, and cool at room temp. When they are cool and dry on the surface, transfer to a 2″ hotel pan in single layers.

Cover, label, date, and initial. Store refrigerated.