Broth, White Chicken

Yield 1X: 10.00 gal Allergens:
Portion: 1 gal None
Portions: 10.0
Shelf life: 4 days
Date: 7.4.18
Prep Recipe Ingredient 1 X 2 X 3 X
lb oz/each lb oz/each lb oz/each
Chicken Backs 40 80 120
Cold Water – 44 qts. 88 176 264
Kosher salt 3.00 6.00 9.00

Combine all ingredients in a large stock pot, and place over high heat. Bring to a boil, skimming frequently until the foam stops rising to the top.

then reduce to a simmer. Skim fat and foam as it rises. Simmer for 2 1/2 hours.

Strain through a china cap into 44 qt. cambros. Cool in ice bath. Cover, label, date, and initial. Store in the walk-in. (This batch was made using chicken legs, we will use backs.)